PMI UK: Proud to be part of volunteer-led Digital Events Team, comprised of passionate PMI UK Chapter Members, received a highly commended award at the prestigious Digital Events Awards for the Best Webinar Series.
QUALEGAL: Being an entrepreneur in the UK
University Interviews: A Turkish Engineer in the International Market
A Turkish Engineer in the International Market: Our Founder, Sirin, attended Beykent University Mechanical Engineering Club's "A Turkish Engineer in the International Market" event in March 2021.
Past! Trends in Project Management: Our Founder, Sirin, contributed as a speaker in PMI Turkey Digital Event.
" Trend is to talk about the future about everything. But it is also a fact that the new is always incomplete without remembering the old. Winston S. Churchill said, “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
By relying on his words, we will talk about the past before planning the next years of project management and project managers. We will talk about our failures and mistakes that we do not like to tell, not our great success stories that everyone prefers to tell. We will compare our mutual experiences to check if we have recorded the lessons learned before closing the project called the “PAST”.
In order to create a bridge between the old and the new, we met at PMI Turkey digital Event.